Cat on Ruegen dead with H5N1 bird flu...

...But o problem for humans, we are told, as, so they say, no human has ever caught bird flu from a cat.

The question is not as to whether humans can catch bird flu from a cat but rather, and this is not a question anymore but fact, the virus has crossed the species barrier. How did the cat get it? Cats do not catch and eat swans but smaller birds and mice. So, what has happened? Because we are also told that bird flu will only affect fowl, such as ducks, gees, chickens and some other exotic birds. Which small birds, that would be prey for a straying cat, have now caught it and that would mean that the danger is much greater than what we are being told. Once again TPTB have decided that the people are sheeple and have to be treated like mushrooms, being kept in the dark and fed with horse manure. The virus now has crossed the species barrier and this means that it is mutating or has already mutated. A cat is a mammal and I don't know of cats living very close to birds. Something does not add up. Just some food for thought as I do not have any answers.


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