Cat on Ruegen dead with H5N1 bird flu...

...But o problem for humans, we are told, as, so they say, no human has ever caught bird flu from a cat.

The question is not as to whether humans can catch bird flu from a cat but rather, and this is not a question anymore but fact, the virus has crossed the species barrier. How did the cat get it? Cats do not catch and eat swans but smaller birds and mice. So, what has happened? Because we are also told that bird flu will only affect fowl, such as ducks, gees, chickens and some other exotic birds. Which small birds, that would be prey for a straying cat, have now caught it and that would mean that the danger is much greater than what we are being told. Once again TPTB have decided that the people are sheeple and have to be treated like mushrooms, being kept in the dark and fed with horse manure. The virus now has crossed the species barrier and this means that it is mutating or has already mutated. A cat is a mammal and I don't know of cats living very close to birds. Something does not add up. Just some food for thought as I do not have any answers.

Bird Flu in Germany

It would appear that we are not being told the truth as to the extent of the bird death from H5N1 bird flu on the German Island of Ruegen in the Baltic. A contact on mine in Germany not all that far from there with friends on the island has told me of the entire island being a bio security zone with the Bundeswehr (German Army) in full NBC gear collecting the dead birds by the truck load. The talk is of a full pandemic. So, why are we being told that only ONE swan had died? One can only wonder. Talk in the headlines of the London Evening Standard of late morning of Friday, February 24, was of food and water rationing to be enforced in case of a bird flu outbreak and all public transport to be suspended in London. Either they know something or someone is overreacting.


UK ID Card

UK ID Card


How the sheeple are being lied to

The ID Card Bill, which soon, I am sure, the way TPTB work in this, and other countries, will be law and sooner or later forced upon every subject of her Britannic Majesty (please everyone wake up to the fact as well that there is no such thing as a British Citizen but that all are subjects of His or Her Britannic Majesty and not much more than serfs - Charlton Heston, President of the US NRA was right in that), to have such a card, probably even with an RFID chip in it identifying where the bearer of this card is at any given time, as it will be compulsory, do not for one moment think not, to have said card on one at all times. The bill has been introduced to the sheeple that it would prevent terrorism and ID theft. In truth it will neither. It has nothing whatsoever to do with preventing terrorism, ID theft or even benefit fraud but everything with people control. People control, plain and simple, nothing else. Terrorism is a smoke screen behind which they all have begun to hide and if that does not work to convince the sheeple then they use other "benefits" in order to have people accept such measures. This was also what was being done in Nazi Germany in the 1930s and everything came in increments and this is the same in the UK and the rest of the EU and in the United States. Let those over there not for one moment that this will not also come to them. They already have their version of the Gestapo though called Department of Homeland Security. Those who cannot see that may want to consider what the Gestapo's main office was called; the Reichssicherheitshauptamt, the Security Main Office of the Reich (roughly translated) - in other words, the Department for Homeland Security of the Third Reich. I know that there are some who have seen the similarities and some have even created rather interesting and poignant posters to that effect and, yes, I know, presently we still have a freedom to do such things under the various constitutions but, and here comes the but… how long will we be permitted to continue to do so. Already now the governments, yes even and especially the US government (and I am sure the UK one as well), appear scared of the blogger and blogs and the private individuals and NGOs' use of the Internet, as can be seen by the fact that a recent exercise of the US security forces was dealing with the threat, yes, threat posed by bloggers as regards to the information they can spread to the people without government censors being able to put a lid on it early enough. Why? Does anyone really believe that our free press is free? You must be joking! However, the blog-sphere is and that is a problem for the governments, even so-called free and democratic ones as those of the USA and the West per se.

Currently all the restrictions that we are being faced with in the UK and elsewhere also come, like they came to Nazi Germany, in increment, a bit at a time. In Nazi Germany, like now, there were incidents of fake terror (the fire in the Reichstag for which a mentally challenged young Dutchman was held responsible who also, conveniently, happened to be a Communist), the same fake terror as has happened throughout the ages whenever governments wanted to oppress their own people. It was always done in the name of "state security". I advise people to get a-hold of a copy of the document entitled "Fake Terror"; it sure is an eye opener as to what may be going on. It is the same, as regards the increment of things, with the disarming of the people in the UK. Always it is "for the good of the children" whether it was the banning of all handguns (and restricting of other firearms and shotguns) and then the law about knives. The truth is that they had even, initially, a number of years back, envisaged of outlawing, sort of, all knives and to have us use the nylon ones. Oh dear! All of Europe is already laughing about our restrictive laws appertaining to knives and for instance that the Boy Scouts are no longer permitted to carry even folding knives (in case they hurt themselves with them - duh?). I remember when they used to wear sheath knives (and rather large ones at times) and even hatchets (God forbid - they didn't did they?) on their belts when hiking. When I was on official business for a number of years on the European mainland, and especially in Germany, they still carried the Scout "dagger", which was a direct copy of the Hitler Youth one, made indeed by the very same company/ies that made those then, and no one blinked an eyelid when the Scouts, called Pfadfinder (Pathfinders) over there, "marched" thru a town or village with every boy having a big knife on their belts.

Only on Monday, February 13, 2006, the discussion began again about handgun possession in the UK; in this instance as regards to the British Olympic shooting team(s) who cannot train in the UK because of the ban on keeping handguns and have to travel abroad for training. During a radio program that was dealing with that a woman who apparently had lost someone in the Dumblane shooting incident (which would never have happened had the police done their job and on top of that were British civilians permitted to own and carry firearms, for had any of the teachers been armed and trained Hamilton would never have gotten to where he got to) that we should not allow handguns in civilian hands not even in the hands of our shooting teams; rather, the woman argued, the law needs to be tightened up further. Duh? How much further can it be tightened up? Why do they not understand, and that is civilians and politicians alike, that you do not combat gun crime on the streets of the UK cities, towns and villages by taking even airguns away, etc. but by actually legally allowing law-abiding civilians carry handguns and defend themselves and their neighborhoods. Criminals do not go into a gunstore and purchase a firearm that way. They use the Black Market and ALWAYS have done so. You do not remove guns from the streets by making possession of firearms for the general public illegal. The only way you get guns off the street is by eliminating the criminals - period!

Oh dear! We have come rather a long way here considering we started about the ID Card legislation going thru the British Houses of Parliament, but I believe that all that was said links with it. The ID Card is a means by the government for people control and not in any way, shape or form any tool intended to combat either terrorism, ID theft or benefit fraud. We have enough ID presently that could prevent any of those. As to ID theft: the ID card will not stop it. Rather the opposite. It will also make it much more difficult for anyone whose ID has been stolen to rectify the matter. All this card is intended for is absolute control of the government as to us as individuals, to our movements, etc.
